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Tourism Ideathon - Documentary Film Making Competition

September 26, 2023

"Brand India' is built of 5 Ts - Talent, Tradition, Tourism, Trade and Technology."- Shri Narendra Modi In today’s digital world, educating young minds through exploration is vital. Tourism, a crucial sector of the economy and a tool for national integration, stands at the core of 'Brand India.' The Ministry of Tourism, in collaboration with CBSE, encourages schools to embrace this vision by establishing 'YUVA Tourism Clubs' and promoting activities that celebrate India's heritage and culture." Aligned with the visionary approach of our Prime Minister, the school organized a Tourism Documentary Film Making Competition- 'Tourism Ideathon' on September 26, 2023. The event was graced by Dr. Nilima Verma, Director of Madhya Pradesh Institute of Travel and Tourism Studies and Ms. Suvrata Yadav, Faculty from the National Institute of Design, Madhya Pradesh, who participated as esteemed Judges. The judging criteria encompassed aspects such as presentation and compilation, photography, content and narration, creativity and the underlying message. All eleven documentaries presented by various schools were commendably crafted, showcasing the immense talent and creativity of the young participants. Amidst the competition, DPS, Chandigarh emerged victorious, claiming the Winner Trophy, while Navnidh Hassomal Lakhani Public School secured the Runner-up position. The competition served as an invaluable experiential learning opportunity for the students, not only enhancing their technical skills but also nurturing their communication abilities and fostering creativity. It epitomized the essence of 'Brand India,' embodying the convergence of talent, tradition, tourism, trade and technology.