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Earth Day Celebration

April 21, 2023

"Disconnecting from our technology to reconnect with ourselves is absolutely essential for wisdom."???????? - Arianna Huffing ???????? Earth Day is an annual celebration that honors the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of the need to protect Earth’s natural resources for future generations. On 21 April 2023, Sagar Public School, Gandhi Nagar celebrated the Earth Day on a unique theme - ‘DISCONNECT TO CONNECT” for the complete school to include staff members, students and parents. This theme was selected with an aim to allow everyone to declutter their minds from the fogs of mobile, internet, online contents and harmful radiations and enourage development of inter- personal relationships, engage in communication with each other and build long lasting friendships. One of the objective of this day was also to spend time with mother Earth and contribute meaningfully in efforts to conserve our nature. The Digital Detox day commenced with young RJ's of the school apprising everyone about the essence and relavance of this unique theme. Age appropriate ways to utilise the digital detox time were also suggested by the Sagarites of Classes Nursery to X through a video presented during the drive Subsequently, a Disconnect to Connect drive was also undertaken to make everyone realise the importance of human relationships and empathy towards others. Parents also participated in this with great enthusiasm and initiative. They also took a pledge to reduce their digital time and spend more time with their family and children and lead by example. ????‍????‍????‍???? They also committed that they will now spend more time with their dear ones and rejoice the bliss of spending time with grandparents, utilise the time in reading books, exercise, aim for mindfulness and will reduce stress through the means of yoga & meditation, imbibe a hobby or pursue a passion. The theme of this year's Earth Day was well understood by one and all and they observed all the guidelines enthusiastically throughout the day. ????????