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Captivating Session on Career Opportunities in Finance and Economics

July 15, 2023

On Saturday, July 15, 2023, a captivating session on the vast career opportunities in Finance and Economics was held at the SISTec Auditorium. The session, exclusively organized for students from classes X to XII, featured the esteemed resource person Dr. Amarjeet Singh Khalsa Group Director IPER, Bhopal, as the keynote speaker. Dr. Khalsa eloquently delved into the world of startups and illuminated their significance in today's dynamic landscape. He passionately emphasized the criticality of choosing the right academic stream and shed light on how diverse fields contribute to the collective growth of our nation. The session concluded with an engaging question-and-answer segment, where students actively participated and shared their insightful views. The workshop proved to be an exceptionally productive and enriching experience for all attendees.