
Recent Events

Bagless Day was organised for Classes III to V

April 30, 2024

The Bagless Day event for Classes III to V was organized to provide students with an engaging and educational experience before their summer vacation. Held on April 30, 2024, the event aimed to foster creativity, teamwork and experiential learning beyond the traditional classroom setting. Additionally, it emphasized the importance of summer safety to ensure the well-being of students during the break. The event encompassed a diverse range of activities tailored to captivate students effectively. These included a Fireless Cooking Activity, where students learned to prepare simple and nutritious snacks without using fire, promoting culinary skills and healthy eating habits. Recreational Games were also organized to encourage physical activity, teamwork and sportsmanship among students. Furthermore, subject-related activities such as Math puzzles and Science experiments were conducted to reinforce learning in an interactive and enjoyable manner. Additionally, a Summer Safety Briefing (Beat the Heat Activity) educated students about staying cool and hydrated during hot weather, ensuring their safety and comfort during the summer break. Overall, the event served as a holistic platform for students to grow, bond, and prepare for a safe and enjoyable summer vacation. Sagar Public School Gandhi Nagar