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ASPIRE session by Col. O. P. Mishra

October 10, 2023

An empowering ASPIRE Session led by Col. O.P Mishra was conducted on October 11, 2023, for the students of Classes VI to VIII. The session encapsulated crucial insights into the fundamental elements that pave the way to success, intricately elucidating self-discipline, time management, effective planning, intrinsic motivation, mindful direction, adopting a healthy lifestyle and the value of social skills. It was impressively conveyed that the amalgamation of these attributes forms the blueprint for achieving success in life. Col. O.P Mishra, through this enlightening session, delivered a profound realization to the students that life presents a medley of challenges and triumphs. Yet, the ones who navigate to the pinnacle are those who adeptly embrace change and resiliently persevere, putting in consistent effort to confront adversities. This enlightening experience undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the young minds, igniting a spirit of determination and an understanding of the dynamics of success.