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77th Independence Day Celebration

August 15, 2023

"Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity." The 77th Independence Day was celebrated with unwavering enthusiasm and fervour at Sagar Public School, Gandhi Nagar. The celebration commenced with the arrival of the Chief Guests, Major General T.P.S. Rawat and Ms. Savita Rawat. As the national flag soared high above the school premises, the symbol of our sovereignty was held in high regard. The program unfolded with an interactive speech by Madam Principal, who shared insightful perspectives on the true meaning of liberated India. Energetic cultural dances, captivating orchestral performances, soulful song renditions and eloquent speeches formed the fabric of the event. These artistic expressions showcased the rich diversity of Indian culture and its journey towards independence. The zenith of the celebration was reached with the address by the esteemed Chief Guest. With profound eloquence, he encapsulated the essence of freedom, delving into the sacrifices made by the nation's heroes to secure the liberty we enjoy today. His words resonated deeply with the audience, leaving a lasting impact on young minds. The event culminated with the collective singing of the National Song, a fitting tribute to the spirit of patriotism that coursed through the entire gathering. The event not only celebrated our nation's past but also inspired the youth to carry forward the values of unity, diversity and harmonious coexistence into the future.